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Canterbury Anniversary Day

Canterbury Anniversary Day 2024, 2025 and 2026

The “old provincial system” was abolished in 1876, but nonetheless, the “regions” of New Zealand are generally defined by the boundaries of the former provinces. And each region gets its own statutory holiday to celebrate its founding.

202415 NovFriCanterbury Anniversary Day
202514 NovFriCanterbury Anniversary Day
202613 NovFriCanterbury Anniversary Day
202712 NovFriCanterbury Anniversary Day
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

The central east coastal area of the South Island is the Canterbury Region. The northern and central portions of Canterbury Region celebrate their founding day on the second Friday following the first Tuesday of November, though it should be noted that the original, actual anniversary date is 16 December. It is called simply “Canterbury Anniversary Day”.

In the main hub city of the region, Christchurch, “Show Day” is made to coincide with Canterbury Anniversary Day. The show is agricultural and pastoral at its base, but there are many other events that spring up with it or around it.

You will find fairs, local food sold at food stalls, concerts, cultural exhibits, and more going on in the main towns of Christchurch and Ashburton. But you can also get outside the urban centres to enjoy such activities as hiking, trekking, mountain biking, white-water rafting, and exploring state and national parks and nature reserves.

Previous Years

202317 NovFriCanterbury Anniversary Day
202211 NovFriCanterbury Anniversary Day